He can also hold block to temporarily bat away or reflect blaster beams, he can default attack with his red Lightsaber, and he can perform a weird floaty jump that looks silly.

He can Force choke, he can throw his Lightsaber, and he can perform a lunging heavy attack. You cannot die and it's a useful tutorial for playing as Darth Vader, whose abilities are exactly as they are in the full game. In the mini-game your task is to wipe out the "Rebel scum" who appear in waves. I'm playing the EA Access 10-hour trial on Xbox One that's available now. The mini-game unlocked for me at 18 per cent downloaded, and I know this because like a mad scientist I was testing every previous per cent. I mean I do kill more enemies eventually.

There's a mini-game game you can play while downloading and installing Star Wars Battlefront.